BIXBCOIN has been added to Hotbit exchange investment

BIXB Coin (Ticker: BIXB) is an open-source, P2P and decentralized cryptocurrency, released on March 15, 2020, supplied in about 3 million units. It has its own unique blockchain and provides fast and cost- efficient transactions. BIXB has a rich ecosystem of various services such as exchange, wallets, online payment gateway, and also a lending platform called “Lonypto”.
Lonypto requires no credit checks, and preserve your BIXB while acquire a loan with a simplified payment method. All you need is only an email address to create an account and take advantages of Bixb coin Defi service. The loan will be granted immediately after choosing your desirable plan. It is the fastest and easiest way to get a loan and growth your business.

Furthermore, since it seems BIXB has a bright future ahead – considering its strong structure and the development strategies which motivated the liquidity in cryptocurrency market, it could be a good choice to keep some in your basket. You can instantly buy it on HotBit exchange here:

However, BIXB is already listed on other cryptocurrency exchanges, but Hotbit is one of the most popular and powerful platforms, known for listing hot new projects before any other exchange. Hotbit also provides a fast and secure website and an Android app to trade or invest crypto assets easily in low transaction fees. Hotbit experts have provided a long list of investing plans. You can rest assured that they are experts in the exchange market and have designed the best plans to help you make money.

BIXBCOIN has been added to Hotbit exchange investment
There are many different coins on incentive plan section such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, SHIB and File coin, offering different interest rates in different periods of time. The good news is that recently BIXB Coin has been listed on official incentive plan section on HotBit for a limited time, and the profit rate for this investment plan is more than + 60%. This investment has been guaranteed by Hotbit Exchange with absolutely NO RISK for investors. It also gives you the opportunity to growth your fund while the coin value growth in the market.
Don’t miss the highest interest rate 60.60% in Hotbit incentive investment list! Find more on the link below:

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