What is cloaking in SEO?

As SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) is a very vast field  and it is essential tool for any website to get rank in any search engine. Because of the diversity of SEO tool, it is categorised into different categories. One such technique is black hat technique which is further classified into different. One such is cloaking. As, cloaking is a black hat technique. Black hat technique is meant for speeding up the process of seo and involves unusual means of getting higher in rank , it is risky too and generally used to create spam, spammy websites use this to protect themselves from bots. In cloaking, two pages are made for any page, one is for crawlers like botes and the other one for the users .

Their are different methods of cloaking :-

  1. IP address cloaking – By using this cloaking technique in SEO, we can identify crawlers i.e. bots whether it is google bot/ yahoo bot/ bing not/ or some other bots and for this bot we made a different view of that post/ page. Now the question arises how IP address cloaking is done in seo?

The php code of ip address cloaking is as follows:-




echo ” show normal version of page “;



echo ” After Cloaking effect “;



// Or use following code for multiple IP addresses






echo “normal view”;




echo “after cloaking effect”;


Now, how to check the IP addresses of bots or crawlers.

Their is website


  1. User agent cloaking – In user agent cloaking in SEO, certain action is perfomed which is determined by user agent of the visitor.

The php code to implement user agent cloaking is as follows –



$uagoogle=”Google bot.(+http://www.google.com/bot.html);

If ($ua==$uagoogle)


Print (” This is for search engine Googlebot”);




Print (” this is for visitors”);



  1. HTTP_REFERER Header cloaking –

In this HTTP_REFERER Header cloaking method in seo, one view is for visitor i.e. user and other view if for the visitor that is coming from specific http header.

The php code to implement HTTP_REFERER Header cloaking is as follows –


$referer = $SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’];

$referersite = “https://oboxiee.com”;

If ($referrer ==$referersite)


Print (” This is for visitors coming from site”);


Else {

Print (” this is for visitors “);



  1. Javascript cloaking –

In javascript cloaking method in seo, the consumers with their enabled javascript option are displayed one version of site and with javascript disabled like bots are displayed another version of site.

Is cloaking legal or illegal?

Cloaking is completely illegal. It is a process used for making fool of search engines. It should not be followed.

Guidelines by Google for cloaking :-

Cloaking is basically a black hat technique. It is even risky too as it is making two forms of page that may not obey basic guidelines of search engine guidelines of search engine guidelines and it may  compromise serving quality content to user.

What is the penalty by Google if using cloaking?

It is not advisable to apply cloaking on any website. If google founds that site is using cloaking it may even ban a website.

How does google detects whether site is using cloaking or not?

Google performs a very simple test. It just compares the file sizes, the size submitted to google bot and the size submitted to google alias which somewhat reacts like an end user. If found difference in both sizes google may assume that site is cloaked and may take up on a penalty.

How much time does it take for Goole penalty resolve?

If a site is found cloaked, it may be taken on a penalty. It may last for 10-30 days and depending upon the resolution of issue.

How to know wether google has taken me on penalties?

You must have to login into your webmaster tool i.e. google search console. In the coverage section you will find all the details of excluded pages and the reason of having on penalty.

Getting started with your blog posts to know more –

How to rank high on google.

How to make a blog

Hosting multiple websites on one server

Generating backlinks using semrush.

How long should a blog post be

WordPress plugins to display posts in grid layout

Keyword finder for low competition keywords

I hope you all will like the article. Oboxiee will continue to write on such amazing concepts. Thank you very much.

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