Top Things To Know Before Choosing A Meditation Pillow

What attention should be paid by you when choosing a meditation pillow?

When you are going to buy a meditation pillow, you should pay attention to 4 things. Choose the type of meditation pillow that-

  • Provides firm support
  • You can adjust to your height
  • It suits to your sitting position and flexibility
  • Looks beautiful in your meditation room

Why is a meditation pillow necessary?

The question is whether it is important to buy a meditation pillow? A meditation pillow is helpful for the beginners but then only when you sit regularly. It is easy to sit upright for a long time on a meditation pillow. Meditation pillow will help you in keeping your mind clear and alert.

Sit everywhere

It is obvious that you can meditate anywhere and in many ways. People can meditate in many ways while sitting on a chair, walking, lying down etc. But the most common way of meditation is sitting on the meditation pillow.


Buying the meditation pillow will not only support you physically but mentally too. If you sit everyday on the same pillow, you train your body and mind.

What is the correct seat height of the meditation pillow?

The main purpose of the pillow is to help you sir firmly and comfortably during the meditation. It is less painful, so that you can continue your meditation better. For this you have to choose the seat height that suits you. The standard height of the meditation pillow is 15 cm.


These meditation pillows are filled as high as possible. You can easily adjust the buckwheat filling of the meditation pillow yourself. If you want to sit in a Lotus cross legged position then take some more filling .

Which meditation pillow shape suits me?

 Now you have to know which meditation pillow shape suits your best posture.

Buy the meditation pillow for the lotus position

Are you able to sit comfortably in the lotus position? Then you are very flexible in your hips and knees. For this position, a crescent meditation pillow is the best option.

Choosing a pillow to practice cross-legged sitting

If you can’t get through the lotus and are comfortable with a cross-legged position then the slightly higher round meditation cushion is nicer. And removing some filling from the cushion is the ideal height for you.

Choose for the Japanese sitting position or diamond pose

If you don’t like sitting in a cross legged position then there is a Japanese seiza pose on a bench which is probably best for you. You have to sit on a bench with knees forward and your feet back.

A round or a crescent pillow?

Crescent meditation pillows are slighter lower than the round meditation pillows. Even if cross-legged sitting is possible for you then you can opt for this lower cushion otherwise the higher round cushion is best suited.

The advantage of the crescent shaped pillow is that it gives more support to the thighs and it also provides a little more tilt of the pelvis.

Choosing the right filling: buckwheat filling

 These buckwheat are very firm and hard, having a hemispherical shape. This makes the ideal filling of the meditation pillow. This will keep the pillow light in weight and retain the right amount of resilience.

Choose an indestructible canvas cover

If you are buying a meditation pillow, it is best for you to choose a model with a sturdy. This also means that you can sit comfortably on somewhat rougher surfaces without damaging the pillow. Cotton canvas covers are very much suitable for this and in any case natural fabrics are also used for the inner cover.

And your taste is important too….

In addition to the shape of the meditation pillow it is also very important to choose the pillow that you really like and that suits the meditation yoga space where you want to use it. You must choose the meditation pillow according to your choice as its comfortability, color and suitability.


So here is the information about what things should be kept in mind before choosing a meditation pillow. It is a little bit difficult to choose the right pillow for your meditation. Many of the things have to be seen while buying a meditation pillow. People should also buy the cover for their meditation pillow by which it would not be damaged early. And one thing is also very important that you should feel comfortable in the moment you create for yourself while doing meditation.

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