Nowadays people become obsessed with the perfect look and appearance. They can go to any extent to maintain their youthful beauty in the long run. There are many procedures which they try out as major cosmetic transformation. However the common trend which engulfs the social media creating a buzz is lip fillers. Remember, filler is not permanent at all.
It only adds volume to lips making them look bigger and fuller. The major transformation of Kylie Jenner said to bring this trend amongst commoners to look perfect. In major filling processes, providers make use of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body.
Keeping aside the parts which you have filler, the rest of face will enjoy natural aging. In this blog you can come to know about some interesting facts on lip fillers. Take decisions accordingly if you really want to do it or not!
What is lip filler?
Lip augmentation and filler is the non-invasive cosmetic procedure to add volume to your lips. By undergoing lip filler treatment you can redefine the lips shape perfecting lips line and Cupid’s bow.
Considering the staple of Kyline Jenner, most women are inclining towards this process for offering a subtle and natural boost to the centre of attraction of your face. In general, there are several lip fillers used by the provider like Voluma, Volbella, Volift, Ultra, Smile and Hydrate.
What is the cost of lip fillers?
Cost of lip filler usually ranges from £200 to many thousand pounds. Actually the cost depends on how many syringes and product type needed for carrying out the procedure. In fact, the cost can fluctuate on the basis of lips’ texture, your desired result and complexity involved with the procedure.
Things to consider prior to lip fillers
While you are planning to get dermal fillers for lips think of the reason you want it. Obviously, it is safe to undergo the process from suitably qualified and experienced provider. Before choosing any provider, always check that the practitioner has met skill, training and insurance. Registration is another important point you must check for the practitioner.
Don’t go with any practitioner who has short training course certificate. Consultation is essential prior to undergo the process. Cost is also important to decide if you want to proceed with it or not. Find attractive deals by searching using ‘cost of lip fillers near me’ in London online and compare the prices at different destinations.
Inquire about:
- Insurance cover type they have
- What will they do in case the result is not desirable?
- Potential risks and side effects
- Product name and place and process of its production
- Qualifications and experience of the practitioners
What will happen during lip fillers?
Any anaesthetic cream is reliable for numbing down the skin. Injections will be given at first followed by gentle massage to the lips. You can find the process uncomfortable but it is not painful at all. The process only consumes 20-30 minutes to finish on the basis of texture of the lips and how much substance needs to inject.
The spot injection will become reddish, swollen and sore. Any sort of bruising and swelling subside down naturally in a couple of days. You must know what needs to do for lessening the chance of potential side effects. Some common of them are avoiding of make-up right after the process and refrain from sun exposure, coffee and alcohol consumption.
Dermal filler risks rely on if the process is provided in correct manner including its type. Just talk to the practitioner regarding potential risks.
Although rare, but serious problems can comprise-
- Infection
- Lumpiness underneath the skin which needs treatment using medicine and surgery
- Scarring
- Moving filler away from targeted area, surgery becomes essential to remove it
- Blockage of blood vessels leading to permanent blindness and death of tissues
What you should do in case of a problem?
In case the result seems dissatisfactory to you, consult with the provider to reverse them. Dermal fillers are reversible completely. For mild side effects like lumpiness you must adhere to aftercare advice strictly. You can contact to the provider regarding necessary steps you need to take.
For further complexities, visit the GP seeking medical care. For urgent medical problem you can visit nearby A&E as well. Report side effects of the dermal filler via Yellow Card Scheme website. You can take important information on safety of filling substances from there.
After reading the post, if you become interested to get fuller lips then you can consider visiting Lip Fillers London. They have highly experienced providers to carry out the procedure safely considering the texture of your lips and the right amount necessary for subtle natural looks. Just make an appointment and your dream lip is a step away!